
Positive Uplifting Thoughts

positive uplifting thoughts, change your thoughts


Sometimes when going through your day, you can get into a negative thinking spiral. Where you think a negative thought, which is then followed by another negative thought until you find that you have spiraled into a series of negative thoughts. One after another. You have successfully sunk yourself into the land of feeling yucky. Now looking at everything around you through those not so rose-colored glasses. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could devise a way for you to catch yourself before you started sinking downward? A way to have positive uplifting thoughts?

Well it is possible and one way is for you to attempt to begin to control your thoughts. Yes, I know, this is much easier said than done, but please bear with me until the end. If you do attempt to keep an eye on what you are thinking, you could potentially catch yourself when a negative thought starts creeping in. This does take practice and, in the beginning, you may struggle but the more you focus on doing this, the easier it will get and the better you will feel.

When you catch yourself, you then have a choice to make. You can choose to continue that line of thinking. Or, you can alert yourself to it and realize this is not the path you want to head down. Tell yourself to halt. Shift your thought to the opposite or one that is more desirable for you.

When you switch from the thought that is low energy to one that is of higher energy, you are taking yourself from weak to strong. Which can be very empowering and uplifting for you.

It is about realizing that what you think about creates your reality. When you conclude that you want a different reality for your life, it will be easier for you to pay more attention to what you are thinking. To what thoughts are bringing you down in any given moment and which ones are elevating you.

Many great thought leaders, like Dr. Wayne Dyer, have taught us that we become what we think about all day long. That what you are thinking determines if you are empowering or weakening yourself, feeling happy or sad, motivated or not. Through your thoughts and by focusing on them, you can create what you want in your life. You can begin to attract to you the things that you want. Thoughts of peace, joy, and love are some of the most powerful thoughts that you can have. Yes, we want to be thinking those positive uplifting thoughts.

What is comes down to is that all of this is nothing more than a conscious decision. A decision, on your part, to “be in charge of” your thinking. To become aware of your thoughts. No one else can put a thought there for you, ultimately, it is your choice. Choose to replace those weakening, negative thought patterns with positive uplifting thoughts that inspire you.

So, at this point, we can stop telling our self that it is easier said than done or that you can’t do it. Because you can. Your mind is yours to control, you get to create your own thoughts. You can change them when they do not serve you. This is a freedom that you have, that no one else can control or take from you. The choice is up to you. Yes, you have the power and I believe in you!

I would love to talk with you to help you with formulating a plan to incorporate this into your life. This would be through a complimentary thirty-minute phone session. To be taken to my calendar to schedule, click this link. Click Here to Schedule If you have any questions, you can reach me at

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