
Expand Beyond Grief

Five years ago, I unexpectedly lost my husband Ron and my kids lost their dad. That day, I felt like my life broke into a million little pieces. I was heartbroken and numb. In a daze and in disbelief. Everything was suddenly different. I knew that neither my life nor that of my kids would ever be the same again. Life the way that I had known it, had now ceased to be and my family was no longer whole. I felt shattered and wondered how I was supposed to move forward. Was it possible to piece your life together again?

I realized that I could not piece my life back together as it was. But that the lives of both myself and my kids could be put back together in a new way. A way that now resonates with who we want to become in the wake of this tragedy. That this adversity could be used as a catalyst to shape our lives and move us forward in a way that makes sense to us now.

This loss provided us with the opportunity to go within our hearts and figure out what it was that we really wanted. Our eyes were opened, and we now saw things from a different perspective. We realized that life is short and precious. We banded together as a family and vowed to stay strong and support one another. To step forward and start living each of our lives in our own way, that honored who we were.


“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-to chose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” ~Viktor E. Frankl


This reminds me of what Viktor E. Frankl writes about in Man’s Search for Meaning. He suggests that when we are faced with a situation that feels hopeless and unchangeable that we are challenged to change ourselves. When you make the choice to do that, you can turn your tragedy into an occasion for you to grow.


“Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.” ~Viktor E. Frankl


Losing someone close to you can open your eyes to seeing life and the world around you from a new perspective. To realize that you can take this devastating thing that happened to you and learn and grow from it. It can teach you how valuable life is and that you can live it to the fullest. This can be an opportunity to find meaning in the loss. To use it to go out and make a difference in the world. Even in a small individual way, however that looks to you.

What matters is that we attempt to look at our tragedies from a different perspective. That you get up and put the pieces together again in a way that now makes sense to you. In a way that you now want your life to look like moving forward. Grief and loss can be a huge growth experience for you. Shift your focus in life to more positive and meaningful endeavors. It can change your whole perspective on life in general. Your grief does not get smaller. Rather you expand around your grief. Grief and loss can transform you and you can begin to see this adversity as the seed to something greater in your life.


“Love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. It finds its deepest meaning in his spiritual being, his inner self. Whether or not he is actually present, whether or not he is still alive at all, ceases somehow to be of importance.” ~Viktor E. Frankl


I believe that, spiritually, Ron is still here with us and around us. We carry him forward with us in our hearts and in our lives. Because of him and all that was “opened up” for me, I am now at a place in my life where I can help those who are faced with grief. I can hold your hand, walk with you, and guide you on your journey.

Sometimes you can feel squashed under the dark cloud of grief and loss. If that is you, you can find a little glimmer of light. I can help you see a little light in your pain. I would love to help you with this on a complimentary call. Just reach out and email me at or go to the Calendar page to select a time.

My passion and my purpose are to help you transform your loss and expand beyond your grief.


“If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering.” ~Viktor E. Frankl


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