
I Have Been There Too

I Have Been There Too: I Understand How You Are Feeling

My goal is to provide you with a little bit of hope and hopefully a lot of inspiration.

To inspire you in knowing that no matter how hard your life feels right now or how difficult things seem, that you can turn things around. You can see your way through this. And things can get better for you. You can begin to live again. Begin too truly live.

I have been where you are. I feel it. I understand how you are feeling. I get the thoughts and emotions that you are feeling.

I lost my husband 8 years ago. On that day, at that moment, my entire world changed and turned upside down. Nothing seemed the same anymore. I went instantly from a “we” to a “me”. I felt like my life was completely shattered. I felt like the world was still moving and that I was stuck standing still inside of it all. While it kept moving all around me and as hard as I tried, I couldn’t get back on. It seemed so hard to comprehend this and at that time so difficult to understand.

If you are like me. You become lost. You feel like you are abandoned. You find yourself faced with challenges that you never had before.

I know that there can be many negative situations around you now. Things that don’t feel good and that you don’t want to handle. Everything can feel unknown, unfamiliar. And yes, even scary.

I am here to help you to navigate through it all. To help you to get back onto your path when you veer off. To help you to find hope. To help you see a spark of light. To help you to see some positive in your life. To help you to see that there is still come good out there and that you can step into it again. To help you to figure out who you now are and find yourself again.  To help you to keep going and to take steps forward. To help you to see that there is still some good in your life and that you’ve got this. You can create a new life and you can find some joy again. It will not look or be the same, but you can create a new now and it can feel good.

I am here for you always and I believe in you!

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"How to Journey Beyond Loneliness as a Widow or Widower."